Yesterday, Mummy and Daddy, Uncle Roy and Aunty Jean decided to take me on my first countryside ramble. Uncle Roy picked a daffodil for me - I think he's a romantic at heart.
If I were twenty years older, I think I might flirt with him.
We went through many fields, along many muddy paths and through lots of 'kissing gates' - they had to lift me and my stroller over them and aunty Jean kept kissing me.
Eventually we came to a clearing in an enchanted forest where we found a magical pool with pure water bubbling from the ground. We stood and looked around for fairies and wizards, but mummy said it was too cold for them to come out. So we returned over all the 'kissing gates', and got covered in mud again.
We went to a nice pub for lunch to celebrate my becoming 6 months old - In China I am one and half years old because over there I am one year old when I am born.
In May, we are all going to France to see Grand Pappa on his birthday, I will be his birthday present. I hope he likes me!
Oh dear! I've just had a whoopsi.
Must go.
Love from Amelie.
Well it has happened three weeks earlier than we expected, I am eating solid food, real food, proper food, it's a bit mushy, but it is food.
I'm eating mashed-up carrots, sweet-potatoes, stewed apples, and other stuff.
I am not too keen on avocado, I think that is a bit yucky, a real screw-up-my-face type yucky, probably an acquired taste - best with mayonnaise and prawns - but let's not rush things eh!
Mummy took me to the park yesterday to see the daffodils and birds. Those birds are wonderful; they fly in the sky, how do they do it? I think I'll be a bird when I grow up.
My passport arrived today, I'm British! It looks very impressive, if I were a bird I could fly off to see my Grand Mama in France for the week-end. That would surprise her! It would surprise me too. perhaps we'll go later.
I have a little problem; my hair won't lay down. I have a bad-hair-day every day, Mummy tries to brush it flat, but up it pops again, perhaps I should have a perm or something, I want hair like my friend Sophie, she has nice hair. Daddy says it is sticking up for fine weather, but it rains every day. What's a girl to do?
Must go, it's bath-time again.
See you soon,
Love from