
Saturday, 26 January 2013

No 5 - New Year - New everthing

Hello some more,
Christmas was a fun time for everyone, not that I could join in much of it, but it was good to see what I needed to do to enjoy next Christmas.
I was taken along to lots parties, where everyone made a fuss of me and gave me presents, I enjoy being made a fuss of; it’s good practice for when I grow up.
I met some other babies too; we compared notes and swopped horror stories. Don’t parents do some dumb things sometimes? 
My friend Sophie, who is a year older than me, told me that her mum sometimes gives her banana or strawberry flavoured milk, I wish I could have that, Mummy’s milk-bar only serves vanilla... next year maybe.
Sophie's daddy is a dentist, he pulls people's teeth out, I asked Sophie what he does with them and she said that he probably gives them to babies because we don't have any.
Mummy cut my fingernails over Christmas; that was a scary new experience for us both. I cried, but not a tears kind of crying,  just a cry saying ‘Be careful’
Apparently we have started a new year, my last year was only two months long, I thought it was a good one, I don’t why they needed to change it.
Mummy tells everyone that I was born in the year of the Dragon, she also says that I was 1 year old when I was born, which makes me 1 year and three months old now, but Dad says I was zero when I was born, so I am just three months old. Don't ask! It’s a cultural thing, but very confusing.
 Grandma say that I should have my legs bound to prevent me growing up with bow legs, but mummy says that in the West legs are left to stretch and grow long and strong. I’m sticking with mummy on that one.
Auntie Jean and Uncle Roy visited us today to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa, who are returning to China at the weekend, they have been here three months. I feel very sad; they have taught me so much and have been a great help for mummy and daddy. We are going to miss them lots.
Well it is sleep time again; will they put me into the crib, the cot, the carry crib, the carry cot, the stroller, or the rocker? I am spoiled for choice, but it doesn't much matter, cos I can sleep anywhere, anytime.
Ah well! Zzzz time.
Bye for now.

No 4 - Pre Christmas Stress

Hello fans,
Grandma and Grandpa from China have arrived and are living with us now. I can’t understand a word they are saying, but they're real nice.
Grandpa does all the cooking and Grandma takes care of me. Which is just as well because Mum and Dad are in the midst of moving us all to a new house.
            They seem to have a million things to do and buy and organize, and they want everything  right now. Doing everything in foreign languages must be quite difficult too. On top of all this is something called Christmas, when everyone apparently goes berserk, it is just a week away.
            Mummy wasn’t very happy the other day; she wet herself;  it all came running out from her eyes. What a strange thing to do.
Whew! Who would want to be a grown up?  If I weren’t so laid back, I would be pulling my beautiful black stresses out by now.
Uncle Roy and Auntie Jean keep popping in to help out with curtains and painting and goodness know what, they were our neighbours at our old house. 
And guess what? I have my own room in this new house. peace at last.
I’ll write more later, it’s pooping time again.
Super Love to you all

No 3 - It's all foreign to me

Hello again,

It’s ME.
I mean I am ME to me, but Amelie to youwell you know what I mean.
What a busy month it’s been.
I have hardly had a moment to myself;
A million people have been to visit; all wanting to poke and prod and goggle at me.
My Mummy is constantly jabbering away to me in Chinese, because that is where she is from.
My daddy does the same in French because that is where he is from. 
Almost everyone else speaks to me in English because that is where I am from.
No one seems able to speak my language of BabyTalk, except for the occasionally  ‘Goo Goo’, ‘Gah Gah’ and ‘Coochy Coo’ which suits me fine. 
There is such a lot of new things to learn - like feeding, washing, sleeping, dressing, burping . . . and they are just the things that Mum had to learn. I‘m amazed at how she coped.
As for me, I just relax and let it all happen, why get stressed when there are others around to do it for me? There will be plenty of time later in life to do all that stuff.
Meanwhile I’m going to just veg out until I’ve grown a bit more.
Did I tell you I was 4.01 kilos when I was born, not bad eh!
My chances of growing up to be a blonde bombshell or a raving redheaded are nil; as I was born with a thick, long black hair, so I guess I’ll have to settle for being a sultry, black-haired beauty.
I saw my French Mamie on Skype yesterday, she said that she had long black hair when she was born too.
I get to see my French Grand Pere on skype next week-end.
Next month my Chinese Grandma and Grandpa are coming over from China. They live in the Gobi Desert, 56 hours by train to Beijing and then a long journey in an airplane. I hope they will like me; it’s a long way to come to be disappointed.
Must go, it’s time to poop again. 
Smiles from 